Chiefs For Change
My Role Product Design Director
Project Site Redesign
Year 2020
Chiefs For Change is a non-profit educational organization. I was hired to do a full redesign of their website. I started with doing a full site audit of the existing site and worked with the Clients to create the new content strategy. I created a whole new site structure and refreshed the branding elements to give the brand a more modern to date look and feel.
Site Map

Homepage features:
Hero image with mission statement
Featured News
Callouts for the Beliefs, Members, and Future Chiefs sections with a CTA to learn more
Beliefs Overview

Beliefs Overview features:
Hero Image
Introduction Copy
Links to Beliefs sub-pages
Additional copy and imagery
Beliefs Subpage

Beliefs sub-pages features:
Introductory copy to section
Sub-nav to the other sections in Beliefs. On desktop it’s a left hand navigation and on mobile it’s a dropdown below the Beliefs Hero Image
Detailed content of the Beliefs sub-page
Links to related Articles
Infinite scroll functionality to the next section in Beliefs and the user has the option with the sub-nav to navigate to each section as they please.